Falls prevention
Falls are not necessarily a natural consequence of ageing and many can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes.
A fall is often the trigger to make you look at your life and take the opportunity to improve your health and fitness and stop yourself falling again.
This website aims to give you the information to enable you to help yourself. It provides links to information on how to prevent falls, also the falls services available across the Bridgend County Borough area, where you can get help if you need it. It is designed for use by clients, carers and their families.
Health and Social Care Professionals can use the website to access appropriate referral pathways available for the management of fallers and those at risk of falling.
The website includes hyperlinks to enable easy access to referral pathways and links to websites about other appropriate services available in the Bridgend County Borough area.
For more information the Ageing Well in Wales website – ageingwellinwales.com – has a Falls Prevention section linked to a Falls Prevention Resource Hub.
This hub contains very comprehensive information e.g. exercise videos by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy/advice downloads and links to many other services available