Bridgestart is an assessment gateway to determine long term care needs. It is an enabling Home Care service for up to 6 weeks with Occupational Therapy input to maximise working towards independence and safe discharge home from hospital.
Who can refer to the service?
Hospital Nurses, Doctors, Therapists, Social Workers to support discharge home.
In the community all referrals would come through Common Access Point which anyone can access. These referrals would then be triaged to the most appropriate service.
Referral criteria/Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria include:
- Diagnosis of dementia
- End of Life stage
Who will people be seen by?
They will be seen by an Occupational Therapist, a Team Lead and Care support staff
What can people expect from the service?
An enabling home care input to ensure people have the correct level of care to staff safely in the home they wish to remain in.
Who does the service signpost/refer to?
The OT will liaise with Health & social services staff as needed if any issue arise.
Contact details
Common Access point on 01656 642279